Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bridge Climb

Yesterday, despite my fear of heights, I climbed the 439 feet to the top of the Sydney Harbor Bridge! From the very top of the bridge it is around the height of a 40 story building and, amazingly, it was built by hand during the great depression. I tried to talk my friends into going with me but I guess I was the only one crazy enough to go. It is so much colder and windier at the top than at sea level that despite the hot and sunny day below we had to take beanies, gloves, and fleeces with us to the top. We also were required to wear some pretty "cute" jumpsuits and harnesses on the climb to keep us warm and prevent us from falling off! We got all hooked up on a cable system attached to our harness and somehow we actually made it to the top!

This shot was taken about halfway up the bridge. The world-famous Sydney Opera House is behind me and Sydney Harbor lies below. I will be headed to the opera next week to see Terminus.

Also about halfway up the bridge with a view of the city behind me

Sydney Harbor Bridge

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